Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just smile and be happy..

So as I am sure you all know, the last month has been a struggle for Joe and I. As if life had not been hectic enough just trying to survive the day to day, we had the misfortune of being in wrong place at the wrong time and being hit head on by a troubled young man. We were very lucky to have walked away uninjured and on our own will, and I will never again take car safety features for granted. About two weeks ago while skimming through the local obituaries I learned that the young man who hit us took his own life shortly after arriving in court for his first DUI, and needless to say I was very shocked and saddened by this. While I am grateful that my family is alive and well, it had troubled me greatly that he decided to take his own life. I didn't know him or his family but I wept for them all the same. I cannot imagine what it must be like to try to pick up the pieces of a life lost to soon. Although he made bad decisions and was obviously struggling with something that he saw no escape from, I am so sorry for his family. He was someones son, brother and best friend and I hope that where ever he is now he is happy. I needed to say this and get it out, I cannot wait for this whole thing to be a distant memory.. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive to our family who took care of us when we were crippled. We love you.


Anonymous said...

It still breaks my heart to read this. So sad and I feel for that family as well. Your awesome Audra!